Product Detail

Bell #71 Calcium Build-up 90 Capsules (771733110419)


Calcium Build-up
By Dr. Chakib Hammoud, MH, PhD.50% of all deathsin North America are caused by calcification and hardening of the arteries (arterialsclerosis, high blood pressure) and calcification of heart valves (aortic-valve stenosis). Calcium build-up also affects our brain (Alzheimer), tendons, muscles, glands, ducts, eyes, liver, kidneys, in fact all soft tissues in our body.

Calcium build-up in knees, shoulders and other joints can be very gritty and painful.

Before you have your joint scoped and scraped, try #71.This should not be confused with the very commonly occurring worn cartilage (arthritis) in the joints, which can be treated much more quickly with Bell Shark Cartilage #1 usually within 2-3 weeks with a money-back guarantee. Medical schools do not teach natural treatments like these, so your doctor may not be familiar with natural medicines.

Inform yourselves.You are responsible for your own health, not your doctor and not the government. Go on the public internet and get more details. Health experts say further calcium build-up can be halted and even reversed.

Vitamin K2 plus D3 and five components form a unique treatment created by Dr.

Hammoud based on scientific research over the last decades.These are by far the most important vitamins you can takefor your overall health. Most scientific discoveries do not get through to the public other than advertised synthetic drugs.

K2 is the key nutrient that activatescalcium to bond to your bones,where calcium is needed, while preventing it from spreading into soft tissues, where it is the single biggest health hazard. Dr. Hammoud says that this unique natural product may help to have healthy bones.K2 acts like a filter that keeps the calcium on your bonesinstead of scattering it like accumulating dust into all your soft tissues and causing a hard calcium build-up. Taking calcium supplements will help only if the calcium is bonding to our bones, otherwise calcium will accumulate and cause hardening in all soft tissues of our body.

These are only a few essentials you should know. There are hundreds of pages publicly available on the internet by health experts giving full supporting details with names and illustrations. Helps to prevent major, expensive surgeries and painful suffering by preventing further calcium build-up or disolving deposits in all soft tissues and organs. It costs so little compared to surgeries, that are often dangerous, and hospital stays that may run into tens of thousands of dollars. Betaine HCL, magnessium glycerol phosphane, vit. K12 menaquinone-7, roseship 4:1, bioflavinoid, kidney extract FD, vit. D3 "

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Part number: 771733110419
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